
This year, Crossway Student Ministries will focus on developing SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE as we focus on becoming true disciples of Jesus. In order to achieve this goal, we have selected an animal that exhibits the qualities we want to mimic. This year will be the Year of the ORCA! Why ORCAS you might ask? Consider the following:

Orcas are considered to be one of the most intelligent species on earth. Their brain-to-body mass ratio is similar to that of humans indicating a high level of intelligence.

Orcas have been observed solving complex problems, such as hunting and catching prey, and even teaching each other new methods. Orcas have a sophisticated communication system that includes a variety of calls which convey information and coordinate behavior.

Orcas have a high social intelligence as well. They are highly social animals that live in complex societies with distinct social hierarchies and cultural traditions. As social creatures they exhibit advanced cognitive abilities such as self-awareness and empathy.

Much like ORCAS, Christ Followers need to be SPIRITUALLY INTELLIGENT. The importance of learning methods of study and growth in Christian disciplines is important and an excellent way to do this is by living in community to help and learn from others. It is also a necessity to learn how to communicate our faith in order to share Jesus with the world around us. There is a lot we can learn from the ORCA.